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                  “High schoolers get online homework. Colleges give online classes. From GEDs to PhDs, students need internet access.”

                  Find work. Start a business. Do your taxes for free. Get healthcare. Internet access helps your family.



                  “Take the 2024 Census online to get representation in Congress, fund jobs, healthcare, education, transportation, and more.”


                  Access to the Internet is crucial in everyday life. It’s used to complete homework, search for and apply for jobs, connect with family and friends and access government programs. Unfortunately, many low-income and minority households do not have high-speed Internet at home. Find out if you qualify for low cost internet service by inserting your zip code above.

                  • 华为手机youtube上加速软件
                  • For Families
                  • For Seniors
                  华为手机youtube上加速软件 Learn more about the 2024 Census

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